Explore techniques to run jobs on Nomad that require access to persistent
5 tutorials
Stateful workloads overview
Nomad allows users to mount persistent data from local or remote storage
volumes into task environments in several ways: Container Storage Interface
plugins, Nomad Host Volume support, and Docker Volume drivers.
Stateful workloads with Nomad host volumes
Configure and deploy a host volume to support a MySQL workload that requires
persistent storage.
Stateful workloads with Container Storage Interface
Configure and deploy the AWS EBS volume CSI plugin to connect an EBS volume
to a MySQL workload that requires persistent storage.
Stateful workloads with Portworx
Deploy a MySQL database using the Portworx Docker-volume driver to enable
persistent volumes.
Users with the exec driver and host volumes
"Nomad's exec driver allows job designers to specify the user that a job
runs as. Combine this with host volumes and user permissions to provide
scratch space to multiple jobs with a single host volume."